Advocacy Workshop [ONLINE]
Thursday 1st of February 2024 18:00
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Online via Zoom (joining link will be circulated via email)Timings
18:00 ~ Zoom Link Opens. Ensure that you have joined before the QS is due to start.
18:15 ~ Workshop Starts
19:45 ~ Finish
Dress code
Business AttireEvent Details
Only the following are eligible to book an Advocacy Workshop:
* current Bar Course student members
* student members who’ve completed the Bar course and are yet to be Called
* transferring lawyers who have joined the Inn but not yet been Called (providing you do not have much advocacy experience)
Students who have not yet started the Bar Course are not eligible to book.
Furthermore, please refrain from booking this workshop if you have already attended one of the Inn's Advocacy Weekends at Cumberland Lodge or York.
This evening's training will be focused on developing advocacy skills. A high level of preparation and participation is expected from each student.
The tuition is provided principally by busy practitioners, judges, and academics, all volunteers giving up their evening, and also by senior members of the Inn who are no longer practicing but who have had years of experience at the Bar.
Details of the preparation required in advance of this session will be made available to ticket holders in due course, and at least one week before the session. You will be able to download it using the link at the top of this page. Please ensure that you prepare in good time.
Who can Attend
This event is for student members only.
Dietary Requirements
Qualifying Session Details
Click here to see details of the QS Requirements and how to be credited with the QS for this session
Learning Aims:
After this session, students should be able to:
- Identify and understand the core principles involved in making a bail application.
- Understand and practice general principles in narrative/applications advocacy;
- Receive feedback on advocacy performance and reinforce core principles of oral presentation;
- Discuss client care and ethical issues arising from bail applications.
Links to the Professional Statement, wider workings of the Bar, administration of justice or a public interest matter
The QS will align with these elements of the Professional Statement:
- 1.9 / 1.10 / 1.15
Click here to view the BSB's Professional Statement
QS Feedback
If you have any feedback on a QS you have attended or have any suggestions for future sessions, please contact the education department on
Bookings and Cancellations
Members of the Inn can buy tickets online by clicking ‘Add to Cart’. Please note that you must log in to book (if you have not yet created a log-in please register first). Alternatively you can buy tickets from the Treasury Office by calling 020 7427 4800.
A link for the 'meeting room' will be sent by email on the morning of the event.
Unless the event sells out earlier, bookings will close at 09:00 five working days before the event.
Where we have a waiting list we will offer your ticket to someone else, so please do cancel your ticket if you are no longer able to attend.
Disabled Access and Support
If you have questions about accessibility at the Inn or if you would like to request support, please email Laura Hacon.
The Inn is committed to improving access to all its services and encourages members to get in touch with suggestions and feedback on how we can improve. If you feel your experience using the website or attending one of our events could be improved, please email Laura. Your suggestions will be treated in the strictest confidence.
Data Protection & Photography
Please be aware that photography, audio and video recording may take place at our events. These may be used for promotional purposes by the Inn, including in printed publications, on our website, and on our social media accounts. If you do not wish to have your photograph taken or to have images of you used, please alert the EducationTeam at the start of the event. We are unable to guarantee that you will not be included in the background of photographs that are being taken. Contact: 020 7427 4800,
All personal data that the Inn stores and processes is held in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the Inn’s Data Protection Policy. You can ask the Inn to stop using your images at any time, or request to see the personal data that the Inn holds on you. For more information please visit the Data Protection page