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Gunnercooke and Middle Temple at The Marriage of Figaro

Friday 7th of February 2025 17:30

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London Coliseum


from 17:15

Event Details

ENO cordially invites Gunnercooke and Middle Temple to The Marriage of Figaro on the 7th February 2025.

Mozart’s famous opera The Marriage of Figaro is a whirlwind comedy of betrothal, betrayal and deliciously bad behaviour.

Set on a single day, it packs in a dazzling procession of madcap comic schemes and setbacks, all of which are punctuated by some of the most sublime music ever written. This is Mozart at the height of his powers.

When the cheating Count Almaviva makes advances on Susanna, his servant’s wife-to-be, Figaro’s marriage threatens to end before it has started.

The household takes sides. Deception, disguise and double cross are the result, as the warring factions make Figaro’s love-life a comic battleground.

Celebrated for its rich character development, intricate plot and Mozart’s brilliant score, The Marriage of Figaro is a staple in the operatic repertoire for a reason. Book your opera tickets to experience the ENO’s production of The Marriage of Figaro live on the London Coliseum stage in 2025.

For more information and to book tickets, please click here.

Who can Attend

Middle Temple members are welcome to attend this event

Dietary Requirements

Qualifying Session Details

This is not a Qualifying Session.

Bookings and Cancellations

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Disabled Access and Support

If you have questions about accessibility at the Inn or if you would like to request support, please email Laura Hacon.

Religious Support

Middle Temple endeavours to make the Inn as inclusive as possible for all of its members, guests and staff.

If you have questions regarding religious practice at the Inn or at Inn events, or if you would like to request support, please email the Diversity & Inclusion Coordinator Laura Hacon. The Inn endeavours to make reasonable adjustments where possible.

The Inn is committed to improving access to all its services and encourages members to get in touch with suggestions and feedback on how we can improve. If you feel your experience using the website or attending one of our events could be improved, please email Laura. Your suggestions will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Data Protection & Photography

Please be aware that photography, audio and video recording may take place at our events. These may be used for promotional purposes by the Inn, including in printed publications, on our website, and on our social media accounts. If you do not wish to have your photograph taken or to have images of you used, please alert the MTYBA at the start of the event. We are unable to guarantee that you will not be included in the background of photographs that are being taken. Contact:

All personal data that the Inn stores and processes is held in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the Inn’s Data Protection Policy. You can ask the Inn to stop using your images at any time, or request to see the personal data that the Inn holds on you. For more information please visit the Data Protection page

Times and details for this event are subject to change. Please check this webpage for the most up to date information.