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E-resources and e-books

The Library subscribes to electronic journals, law reports and the legal databases listed below. Access to subscription-based resources is only available in the Library, apart from Bloomsbury Professional Online, Kluwer Arbitration, Lexis Practical Guidance and Oxford Legal Research Library  which can be accessed remotely, upon application to the Library, by Middle Temple members who hold a practising certificate as a barrister in England and Wales AND are on the Barristers’ Register  which is published by the Bar Standards Board.

You will be asked to supply your Inn membership number as verification for eligibility. Frequently used resources which do not require a subscription are included in this list and indicated as [free].

We also have a selection of e-books such as Archbold, Blackstone's Criminal and Civil Practice and Chitty on Contracts, available to consult on the Library iPads. The iPads can be used in the Library free-of-charge, or borrowed from one day to one week for a small fee. Ask at the Enquiry Desk for more details.

A more extensive selection of free legal websites is available on our Links for Lawyers pages.

Searching the catalogue 

You can search the catalogue for all titles (books, journals, law reports) available electronically here:  


Arbitration International : The Official Journal of the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA).

BAILII : database covering British and Irish case law. Useful for finding transcripts [free].

Bloomsbury Professional Online : database providing full-text access to 21 practice areas [remote access available by contacting the Library on: You will be asked to supply your Inn membership number as verification for eligibility.].

Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations : database of citation abbreviations [free].

Caselaw Access Project : all official, book-published state and federal United States case law [free]

Courts Service : access to information on HM Courts and Tribunals services [free].

The Courts Service of Ireland : judgements from 200 from the High Court; Circuit Court; District Court; Supreme Court; Court of Appeal; Central Criminal Court; Court of Criminal Appeal; Courts-Martial Appeal Courts

Curia : Court of Justice of the European Union : database of case law from the CJEU [free].

Eur-Lex : database of European Union law, including full-text access to the Official Journal [free].

Find Case Law : The National Archives' database publishing court and tribunal decisions from The Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, High Court, and Upper Tribunals. [free] : a United Kingdom public sector information website which provides a single point of access to HM Government services including various publications of individual departments and other government bodies [free].

Hansard : the Official Report of all parliamentary debates from the early 19th century onwards for both Houses of Parliament available to search and browse. Older debates can be accessed for the Commons  and the Lords [free].

HeinOnline : full-text access to American and International legal journals and US primary materials including the United States Reports, United States Statutes at Large, the United States Code and the Congressional Record.

HUDOC : database of case law from the European Court of Human Rights [free].

i-law (informa) : full-text access to titles including Arbitration Law, Building Law Reports, Insurance Broking Practice and the Law, Insurance Law Monthly, Lloyd's Law Reporter, Lloyd's Law Reports, Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly, Lloyd's Maritime Law Newsletter, Lloyd's Reinsurance Law Reports, LLR: Financial Crime, LLR: Insurance & Reinsurance and a whole host of maritime law books.

IMF eLibrary : Over 2,800 full-text books and 13 journals on macroeconomics, globalization, development, trade and aid, amongst other topics have made available online by the International Monetary Fund [free].

Incorporated Council of Law Reporting : full-text access to the official Law Reports.

Irish Statute Book : the Irish equivalent to and the main site for Irish legislation; covers the history of each Bill, as well as the debates

Journal of International Maritime Law: a peer-reviewed journal providing expert analytical coverage of current international developments in shipping and maritime law. 

Kluwer Arbitration : full-text access to over 300 arbitration books and 17 journals, as well as arbitration awards from a variety of international organisations [Access is available onsite, and Middle Temple practitioner members can apply for remote access by completing the remote access request form]

Kluwer Competition : full-text access to over 130 books on competition law and 8 journals.

Lawtel : database covering UK case law and legislation and European Court of Human Rights judgments and EU legislation. Now part of the Westlaw platform. : official site of revised and enacted UK legislation, with full-text legislation back to 1988 [free].

Lexis+ : database covering reported and unreported cases, legislation and journal articles. Includes access to Atkin's Court Forms and commentary such as Buckley on the Companies Acts, as well as Halsbury's Laws of England and All ER (D) cases (All England Law Reports (Digests).

Lexis Practical Guidance : database of practical guidance for lawyers; practice notes, checklists, forms, precedents, cases, Acts, calculators and links to Butterworths sources [access is available on site, and Middle Temple practitioner members can sign up for remote access by contacting the Library on: You will be asked to supply your Inn membership number as verification for eligibility.]

Lexis US: database covering US case law, legislation and administrative materials, as well as a selection of secondary sources. To access, sign into regular Lexis+ first, and then click this link.

Libero : catalogue of Northern Ireland law resources provided by the Law Society of Northern Ireland [free].

LLMC Digital : An American database providing access to administrative, legislative and judicial materials digitized from microfiche collections of the Law Library Microform Consortium. Included are strong collections from U.S. federal and state jurisdictions, the United Kingdom, Canada and international organizations amongst various selected materials from other jurisdictions.

London Library : Middle Temple’s institutional subscription allows onsite access to the London Library’s remote e-resources, such as JSTOR, the Times Digital Archive and ProQuest Historical Newspapers as well as a number of law journals. Please note that access to any of the materials on the London Library's ePortal - Catalyst - is only accessible on-site to members of Middle Temple.

Middle Temple Library Blog : A blog written by Middle Temple Library staff, with legal research tips, Brexit highlights, highlights from the rare books collection and other updates to Library services [free].

Official Documents of EU institutions : official documents from European Union institutions, agencies and other bodies, including treaties and charters [free].

Oxford Academic : Middle Temple subscribes to four modules on the Oxford Academic platform, formerly known as Oxford Legal Research Library: 
Each module provides digital access to some of the key reference works in each practice area [Access is available on-site. Middle Temple members who are authorised to practice in England and Wales who do not already have a subscription to Oxford Academic can sign up for remote access by contacting the Library on: Login details will be provided to you upon successful application, and these may not be shared with another party].

Practical Law : provides access to practice notes, legal updates, CPD resources and standard documents amongst other resources. Also includes access to PLC Magazine.

Public Information Online : allows users to follow the progress of Bills in Parliament and view relevant papers for a particular Act, including Lords papers, Bills, Standing Committee/Public Bill Committee and Hansards dating back to 1919.

U.K. Government Web Archive : The National Archives archives UK central government information, including videos, tweets, images and websites dating from 1996 to present [free].

U.K Parliamentary Papers : provides access via Proquest to 18th and 19th Century House of Commons Parliamentary Papers, 20th Century Parliamentary Papers and House of Lord Parliamentary Papers 1800-1910.

Westlaw UK : provides access to reported cases, transcripts, legislation and journal articles. Includes access to Legal Journals Index. 

Westlaw US : database covering US case law and legislation - click on the Westlaw logo at the top right of the page to access the content covered by our subscription. To access EU materials in subscription click here.

White Book Updating Service : provides access to updated versions of the Civil Procedure Rules and Practice Directions and the Supreme Court Rules and Practice Directions, incorporating changes made since the last White Book release.