The Inn offers advocacy training to students, pupils and new practitioners
Students (who are studying or have completed the Bar Course) have the options of
- attending a residential advocacy weekend
- volunteering to help on a post-Call advocacy course - receive advocacy training as ‘guinea pigs’ on the Training the Trainers programmes or act as witnesses in the New Practitioners’ Programme
Click here for all of the educational services offered to students by the Inn.
Pupils are required by the Bar Standards Board to attend a minimum of 12 hours of practical advocacy teaching. Although the practice management hours are no longer mandatory, our courses still contain practice management lectures. These are full-time courses, running from Monday to Friday during two consecutive weeks. They will offer advocacy training workshops designed to meet situations in which young barristers may find themselves. Lectures will cover themes ranging from general advocacy to practical advice from specialists and experts, and the workshops will be led by experienced practitioners. Court visits provide an opportunity for exercises in both civil applications and criminal work before Judges.
There are two pared-down courses covering the minimum requirement for those who are unable to attend our full programme.
Courses are open to all members of the Middle Temple. There is no fee. Pupils on Circuit may find it more convenient to attend the Circuit's course, but if they wish, we would be delighted to accommodate them on the Middle Temple course.
Click here for further information on the Pupils’ Course and for the booking form.
New Practitioners need to attend a total of 45 hours of training by the end of the first three years of independent practice. Nine of these have to be advocacy and three ethics. The Inn's New Practitioners’ Programme offers courses both in Advocacy, with a choice of programme for those at the Self-Employed Bar (civil, criminal or family law) or the Employed Bar, and in Ethics.
NPP advocacy courses comprise a series of workshops on a Saturday, preceded by a case analysis session about two and a half weeks before, and some written work (skeleton argument etc.).
One of the courses in summer will be run as a series of evening workshops, dates to be confirmed.
Click here for further information on the New Practitioners’ Programme and for the booking form.