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Climate Anxiety and the Environmentally Conscious Lawyer

Climate Anxiety and the Environmentally Conscious Lawyer | Anouchka Grose and Estelle Dehon KC | A Survive & Thrive event

'Climate anxiety' is a widely observed and understood phenomenon, stemming from the feeling that tackling the crisis can feel overwhelming. Equipping people with tools that allow them to make small and achievable changes and feel proactive can help to combat this. This event will focus on what 'climate anxiety' is and strategies that barristers can adopt, big and small, short and long-term, to make their legal practice more sustainable.

Anouchka Grose is a psychoanalyst and best selling author, who has written several books on 'eco-anxiety'. Estelle Dehon KC is a barrister of Cornerstone Barristers, specialising in environment and planning law. She is co-Chair of the Bar Council’s Climate Crisis Working Group. There will be an opportunity for questions following the discussion.

The talk will be chaired by Michael Harwood, Chair of the Young Bar of England & Wales 2023, and fellow member of the Bar Council's Climate Crisis Working Group.