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Middle Temple Historical Society

Meetings of the Middle Temple Historical Society are open to all members, staff, friends of the Inn and their guests who are welcome to attend a meeting before becoming members. We meet four times a year, usually in the Bench apartments for drinks at 6.30pm followed by an informal buffet supper and a talk on an historical topic, usually with a legal theme. Meetings finish at 9.15pm.

Tickets cost £30, £15 for students of Inn. Member of the Inn can book tickets online via the Inn Calendar. Those who are not members of the Inn or who are unable to book online may book by contacting the Treasury Office. Please note that meetings are not qualifying sessions.

For the attention of Benchers, ticket costs cannot be charged to your Bench Bill. 

Membership costs £10 a year and enquiries should be made to the Membership Secretary at



Wednesday 31 March 2021

18:15 for 19:00

Annual General Meeting

Edmund Burke and his legacy

Professor Richard Bourke FBA, Professor of the History of Political Thought at the University of Cambridge and Fellow of Kings College.

Edmund Burke was not only an Anglo-Irish parliamentarian, statesman, orator and political philosopher who still has some political influence, he was also a Middle Templar. His biographer, Professor Bourke, will challenge us to rethink his legacy.

This meeting will be held online, via Zoom.

Bookings close on the 28 March 2021


Tuesday 20 April 2021

18:30 for 19:00

The Early Gardens of the Inns of Court

Dr Paula Henderson

Dr Henderson, an architectural and garden historian will describe how medieval garden design was adapted for the use of an elite professional society in the increasingly confined urban environment of the early modern period.

This meeting will be held online, via Zoom.

Bookings close on the 15 April 2021