Survive & Thrive | Taking the Bar out of Barrister [ONLINE]
Tuesday 21st of January 2025 17:30
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Online via Zoom (joining link will be circulated via email)Timings
Timings (ONLINE):
17:30 - 18:30
(Zoom Meeting ‘room’ will be open from 17:15) Please ensure that you have joined before the event is due to start.
Dress code
Business AttireEvent Details
The words stress and barrister are practically synonymous. As a consequence of this, the phrase “I need a stiff drink” may immediately spring to mind. To mark dry January, the Survive and Thrive Steering group are hosting an event to explore the relationship between barristers and alcohol, and dependency more widely.
Henry King, a practicing barrister will speak his own journey to sobriety and about the potential pitfalls of turning to alcohol as a response to negative emotions.
Henry will be joined by James Pereira KC, a barrister and certified executive coach with a particular interest in the interface between personal wellbeing and professional performance.
The purpose of this seminar is to explain the perceived pressure around drinking (particularly around client marketing events) and to share the tips and tricks of sobriety and moderation in the 2025 legal world. This is an opportunity for those who want to think more about their own relationship with alcohol and those who want to support colleagues who may be struggling.
Who can Attend
Members of all four Inns and their guests
Dietary Requirements
Qualifying Session Details
This event is not a Qualifying Session
Bookings and Cancellations
Unless the event sells out earlier, booking will close at 09:00 on the day of the event.
Members of Middle Temple can buy tickets online. Please note that you must log in first (if you have not yet created a login please register first). Alternatively, you can buy tickets from the Treasury Office by calling 020 7427 4800.
Members of other Inns, where applicable (please refer to 'Who can Attend'), can buy tickets from the Treasury Office by calling 020 7427 4800. Online booking is not available.
Cancellations: Where we have a waiting list we will offer your ticket to someone else, so please do cancel your ticket if you are no longer able to attend.
Disabled Access and Support
If you have questions about accessibility at the Inn or if you would like to request support, please email Laura Hacon.
Religious Support
Middle Temple endeavours to make the Inn as inclusive as possible for all of its members, guests and staff.
If you have questions regarding religious practice at the Inn or at Inn events, or if you would like to request support, please email the Diversity & Inclusion Coordinator Laura Hacon. The Inn endeavours to make reasonable adjustments where possible.
The Inn is committed to improving access to all its services and encourages members to get in touch with suggestions and feedback on how we can improve. If you feel your experience using the website or attending one of our events could be improved, please email Laura. Your suggestions will be treated in the strictest confidence.
Data Protection & Photography
Please be aware that photography, audio and video recording may take place at our events. These may be used for promotional purposes by the Inn, including in printed publications, on our website, and on our social media accounts. If you do not wish to have your photograph taken or to have images of you used, please alert the Membership Team at the start of the event. We are unable to guarantee that you will not be included in the background of photographs that are being taken. Contact: 020 7427 6385,
All personal data that the Inn stores and processes is held in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the Inn’s Data Protection Policy. You can ask the Inn to stop using your images at any time, or request to see the personal data that the Inn holds on you. For more information please visit the Data Protection page